Thursday, March 31, 2011

MCP Actions

I came across MCP Actions not too long ago, but I'm already hooked. I love their Photoshop actions and reading the latest blog article in hopes to learn just a little bit more from all of that talent. MCP Actions is celebrating its 1,000 blog posts so I thought I'd post about one of my favorite articles, "The 4 Best Types of Natural Light for your Photography" by Andee Tate at Crave Photography.

I have the camera and a couple of lenses, nothing fancy. I count on natural light for a good photograph so I found this article perfect. Andee discusses four types of natural light: open shade, overcast, back light, and after sundown. Lighting can really set the mood of a photograph and it's important to really learn how to take that perfect shot. I use open shade quite a bit, but I want to diversify the lighting in my photos. This article is worth checking out! I'm eager to try some photos using back light. How about you?

Something New

My blog reading list has been growing and growing. I am super inspired by all of the creative people out there with photography and crafty decorating blogs. So...I'm jumping on and starting one of my own in hopes to rediscover my creative side and inspire others along the way.